Advanced GI Surgeries

The Advanced GI Minimally Invasive/Bariatric Surgery Fellowship, supported by a grant from the Foundation for Surgical Fellowships, provides an immersive didactic extensive experience in advanced laparoscopic procedures. At its conclusion, the fellow will have acquired the requisite expertise to perform all major laparoscopic procedures including:
- Adjustable gastric banding
- Adrenalectomy
- Colon resection
- Feeding jejunostomy
- Gastric bypass procedures
- Gastrojejunostomy
- Heller myotomy
- Inguinal hernia repair
- Nissen fundoplication
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Ventral hernia repair
There are also ample opportunities to participate in laparoscopic urology cases with some minimally invasive operations involving the use of the Da Vinci robot.
All fellows are expected to participate in clinical research projects, and present their results at national meetings. Through monthly courses, the fellows will serve as instructors to academic and community surgeons in advanced laparoscopic and robotic skills. All fellows will play an active role in the education of surgical residents and medical students.